This past week’s #UNCLEtweet was supposed to be a celebration as we bid farewell to April Dancer, the Girl from UNCLE. In her time as part of the livetweets, she has, more often than not, failed to impress us, often being overshadowed by her co-stars. So saying goodbye was supposed to be a time to celebration. However, a technical disaster virtually wiped out the website, and the livetweet almost didn’t happen. Thanks to the efforts of site founder @007hertzrumble, though, the videos went back up, and the livetweet went on as scheduled. There were three of us around to watch, myself, @thisannkarin, & @AllieEG. To our surprise, April acquited herself well in this episode, as she was constantly at the forefront, doing her job exceedingly well. If all the episodes had portrayed her as well as this one did, the show might have lasted longer. As it is, this was April’s final bow in #UNCLEtweet, and for that, we’re grateful. Now on with the digest!
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
How the hell could Slate infiltrate THRUSH? Don’t they keep files on UNCLE people that include pictures? #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
Completely deserted city. Except for Mark & bad guys. #UNCLETweet #PostApocalypse
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
@thisannkarin We’ll be revisiting that same landscape in season 4. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
‘Hey come back here!’ #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
It’s so conscientious of them to hold all their gunfights in completely deserted streets so as not to inconvenience passersby. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
Well at least I’ll enjoying the theme song one last time. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
@thisannkarin We’ll always have Man from UNCLE. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
Now that’s a BURN, Mark. Giving April your assignment. Hang your head in shame. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
April, solve a case? BWHAAHAHAHAHA! Pull the other one, Waverly. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
False Fact: Ed Asner was born with a cigar stub in his mouth. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
@thisannkarin And a slightly askew tie around his neck. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
This is the first time I’ve seen April in slacks. Up to now I thought it was the law that she’s in either a dress or skirt. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
She vanished? SORCERY! #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
Mark you’re going to have to go ‘rushing off’ when you have to save April. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
OK, I have to admit, I’m liking her outfit. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
False Fact: This series was almost called, ‘The Secret Agent Who Wore Desert Boots’ #UNCLETweet.
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
I dig those dresses & tights. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
@thisannkarin They moonlight as stewardesses. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
In all my years of watching TV, that is the most ridiculous looking carlot I’ve ever seen. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
Montgomery’s got a gig as a blues musician later. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
@GregMcCambley He’s the bongo player. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
Are they trying to make him look like his dad? #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
@thisannkarin Well, why not? He’s looked like pretty much everything else. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
What did they do to his eyes? And why? #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
I like that THRUSH agent; I get a definite Mrs. Peel vibe off her. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
Digging is his super-power? #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
He-Man cigarettes? #Bythepowerofemphysema #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
April-You can still be of service. Sorrell Brooke-Do I have to? 🙂 #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
#UNCLEtweet Is that Don Chastain?
— CrazyTVmom (@AllieEG) April 9, 2015
@AllieEG Yes, indeed! #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
I believe he carried that cane in his other hand earlier. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
Actually I do find your appearance odd, Mark. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
@thisannkarin #UNCLETweet But the accent – ooh, la, la!
— CrazyTVmom (@AllieEG) April 9, 2015
And now Mark no longer needs his cane. Riiiiight. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
@thisannkarin He got better! #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
Charles Dickens, UNCLE spy! #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
Once a stalker… #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
He’s still far less creepy a stalker than Tom Bosley was. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
Just get rid of them, Mark. They’ll bring you nothing buy hardship and pain. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
I think that was the best one I’ve seen. I wish they had made her competent from the beginning. #UNCLETweet
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
@thisannkarin I know. It appears I saved the best episode for last. #UNCLEtweet
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015
Thank you, everyone, for your words of encouragement. I am perhaps beyond consolation at this point.
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) April 9, 2015
@007hertzrumble I wish I could do something. 🙁 Thanks for getting UNCLE working, I appreciate it.
— Ann Karin (@thisannkarin) April 9, 2015
@thisannkarin It’s not pretty to look at, but I couldn’t let #UNCLEtweet down.
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) April 9, 2015
@007hertzrumble @thisannkarin I appreciate all your efforts, man. I know how gutted you must feel. Thank you.
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) April 9, 2015