


This past week’s #UNCLEtweet was supposed to be a celebration as we bid farewell to April Dancer, the Girl from UNCLE. In her time as part of the livetweets, she has, more often than not, failed to impress us, often being overshadowed by her co-stars. So saying goodbye was supposed to be a time to celebration. However, a technical disaster virtually wiped out the website, and the livetweet almost didn’t happen. Thanks to the efforts of site founder @007hertzrumble, though, the videos went back up, and the livetweet went on as scheduled. There were three of us around to watch, myself, @thisannkarin, & @AllieEG. To our surprise, April acquited herself well in this episode, as she was constantly at the forefront, doing her job exceedingly well. If all the episodes had portrayed her as well as this one did, the show might have lasted longer. As it is, this was April’s final bow in #UNCLEtweet, and for that, we’re grateful. Now on with the digest!