We all love Greg. We love that Greg hops on the Interwebs and shares his wit and wisdom with us though this wonderful device called Twitter. After I cancelled the final ‘Year of the Spy – 1966’ Retrospective Live Tweet due to dwindling interest in the series, Greg asked if he could take over the evening with his own live tweet. Of course! By all means! Make the evening yours. And quite frankly if I’d known beforehand that it was his birthday I’d have just given him the night to begin with.
For his Happy Funtime Birthday Bash Live Tweet, Greg has chosen another edition of #Bond_age_ South of the Border. Your feature for this evening is the 1973 feature Karla contra los jaguares directed by Juan Manuel Herrera. Based on the small blurb I read about the film, it seems that this particular feature aims to clone the early Bond narratives! Viva la Mexico.
The embedding feature for this film has been disabled. Bummer. That means you’ll have to link on over to YouTube to view the film.
‘Year of the Spy – 1966’ rolls on into Week 4 after that brief hiatus to celebrate Roger Moore’s 89th birthday. Right then. Back to business. This confounding little ditty features a bevy of James Bond veterans — it’s as if the producers went out and called every idle Bond actor available (or future Bond actor). You’ll note the appearance of The Spy Who Loved Me villain Curd Jurgens, the Thunderball villain Adolfo Celi, and You Only Live Twice‘s Karen Dor. Additionally… YES THERE’S MORE! …additionally, the German madman himself, Klaus Kinski, pops up in a supporting role.
Our leading agent of espionage this evening, as it was for the our Week One feature, is Uncle Jimmy Bond — Stewart Granger. I’ve dubbed him Uncle Jimmy Bond because he was born James Stewart and he’s kind of like Bond’s less tactful Silver Fox uncle. A good time will be had by all.
The German title Das Geheimnis der gelben Mönche translates into The Mystery of the Yellow Monks, which as far as I’m concerned is a far superior title for this round of utter nonsense. Target for Killing is at once devoid of flavor and not at all indicative of the film. It may be pretty bad film, but this is a live tweet where quality does not equal quality. Screw the reflexive property.
‘Year of the Spy – 1966’ – Week 4:
Target for Killing was another choice selection from The Eurospy Guide. Stewart Granger makes his second ‘Year of the Spy – 1966’ appearance, which will excite fans of his Agent Silver Foxy Jimmy Stewart mojo.
I could talk at length about Granger’s performance in Target for Killing — which for some reason I find absurdly entertaining — but that’s not the attraction here… by a long shot. It’s not even the obscure shooting locations like Mahgreb and Yugoslavia or the director who’s not even famous enough to have his own Wikipedia page. The Austrian/German/Italian production co-stars three Bond vets. Curd Jurgens of The Spy Who Loved Me, Adolfo Celi (Thunderball, Danger: Diabolik) and Karen Dor (Helga Brandt in You Only Live Twice). Fun, right? Three #Bond_age_ villains together! Well the fun doesn’t stop there. Check out this next photo:
That’s right. THE Klaus Kinski makes his #Bond_age_ debut this Wednesday. Now you’re f’ing excited. SO MUCH CRAZY IN ONE PLACE! If you’re not excited yet, the killer title credit sequence appears below.
Join us Wednesday, October 26th @ 9pm ET for the #Bond_age_ live tweet of TARGET FOR KILLING! Follow the #Bond_age_ hashtag.
Welcome to Sir Roger’s 89th Birthday Clip-o-Rama Extravaganza! I’ve uploaded everything into a YouTube playlist. All you need to do is hit PLAY at 9pm ET. It’s a random assortment of lunacy worthy of only Sir Roger.
Edit: Disney has seen it necessary to block the usage of the ending of Roger’s Muppet Show appearance, thus forcing me to host the finale on this website. It’ll appear beneath the YouTube parade. I found the incomplete clip elsewhere on the YouTubes but I want the whole damn finale. Nothing but the best for fans of #Bond_age_ and Roger Moore. This merely means that you’ll have to hit play on one final video.
I had to break the ‘Year of the Spy – 1966’ Retrospective in order to pay tribute to Roger Moore in the wake of his 89th birthday. To say that Sir Roger has a special place in our #Bond_age_ hearts would be an understatement. Roger Moore films, Bond and otherwise, have given so much to our live tweets, that it’s only fair that we give back. And by giving back, I mean digging up all kinds of random Roger Moore soundbites and video clips and oddball TV appearances and live tweeting them.
That’s the #Bond_age_ way.
Allow the man of the hour to raise an eyebrow at that suggestion:
Join #Bond_age_ for @PartyMoore007’s 89 Years of Roger Moore Tribute Clip-o-rama! on Wednesday, October 19th at 9pm.