My Favorite #Bond_age_: Tom Wilcox on You Only Live Twice
You Only Live Twice: Teetering on the Precipice
by Tom Wilcox (@TRWilcox)
“They killed James Bond. They KILLED JAMES BOND! And I just found out who he was!”
I don’t remember how old I was when I first watched You Only Live Twice. Somewhere in the single-digits, seven or eight? We’ll say eight.
The iconic gun barrel opening set the tone. Action! Excitement! Take-no-prisoners surf guitar!
It opens in outer space. Two astronauts maneuvering a capsule, the Jupiter 16. (I could have pulled that out of my memory even if I hadn’t just rewatched the movie. “Jupiter 16” is just one of those things you remember.) Another larger, more menacing ship approaches. It swallows them whole, like a shark, leaving one astronaut to float off to his death. They certainly had my attention. This movie meant business. (more…)