My Favorite #Bond_age_: Tom Wilcox on You Only Live Twice

My Favorite #Bond_age_: Tom Wilcox on You Only Live Twice

You Only Live Twice: Teetering on the Precipice
by Tom Wilcox (@TRWilcox)


“They killed James Bond. They KILLED JAMES BOND! And I just found out who he was!”

I don’t remember how old I was when I first watched You Only Live Twice. Somewhere in the single-digits, seven or eight? We’ll say eight.

The iconic gun barrel opening set the tone. Action! Excitement! Take-no-prisoners surf guitar!

It opens in outer space. Two astronauts maneuvering a capsule, the Jupiter 16. (I could have pulled that out of my memory even if I hadn’t just rewatched the movie. “Jupiter 16” is just one of those things you remember.) Another larger, more menacing ship approaches. It swallows them whole, like a shark, leaving one astronaut to float off to his death. They certainly had my attention. This movie meant business. (more…)

You Only Live Twice Live Tweet Digest

This digest offers merely a sample the chaotic madness of the You Only Live Twice live tweet session. We were only four strong that night. But we held fast, embolded by the power of Slouchy Bond.