One whole year! A whole year of good #Bond_age_! The gang all came out to celebrate the #Bond_age_versary and give the Tomorrow Never Dies Live Tweet Digest the old how’s your father. We revisit some old memes… PUMPING! and Brosrunning, MITCHELL! and Party Moore… and uncover some new ones… THAT’S WHAT BOND SAID and Gupta Laws. We swoon at Brosnan’s Commander blues and Michelle Yeoh’s judo chops. It’s a goddamn party, people!
Happy #Bond_age_versary! INITIATE MISSION!! #TND
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
Welcome to the Bond universe, Mr. Arnold. So glad to have you! #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
How does one get invited to a terrorist arms bazaar near the Russian border? Asking for a friend. #TND — Trevor Jost (@tpjost) December 12, 2013
And now Ricky Jay will pull a rabbit out of his sable hat. Jokes on you, M! #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
In an early version of the script, this scene was on Christmas and it wasn’t an arms bazaar, but a Bad Guy Secret Santa Exchange. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
Arms bazaar? I thought this was the sequel to OVER THE TOP?!? #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
British Nathan Fillion! Hello Sailor… #TND — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) December 12, 2013
@GregMcCambley Bingo. If only he’d been on board for GoldenEye. He’s Barry’s spiritual disciple. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
#TND So M and Co are watching James just like us. Cool.
— Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble PB’s face is so badass! #TND
— Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
Tomorrow Never Dies solidifies my love of Brosnan’s Bond. It’s worth noting that this is the only post-Connery Bond Gene Siskel loved. #TND
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
Bond is certainly more Rogue than Knight. Wait, Knight’s not a DnD Class… curses. Nerd Joke ruined. #TND — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) December 12, 2013
Sheryl Crow’s song does nothing. It just sits there and waits for something to happen, like Connery in #DAF. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble Thank you! #TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
Those girls have clothes on. Shenanigans. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
Ah, nothing says Bond titles like a sexed-up 1990s Nasdaq commercial. #TND — The Nitrate Diva (@NitrateDiva) December 12, 2013
I just opened up my laptop and the theme from #TLD started to play at random. #TheSmolder is at my house, everyone. #TND. — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) December 12, 2013
We are ready for laaaaaunch. We’d better get out our brie and baguette. #TND
— The Nitrate Diva (@NitrateDiva) December 12, 2013
@campbelldropout Pfft. I’m already drunk. Those details are going to slip through the saved tweet cracks. lol #TND
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
I NEED A NEW VESPER. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble I bet he called Billy Idol for tips. #TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
@AnnaRenee Had to be said.
#TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
This guy always makes me think I am watching a Q45 Infiniti commercial. Hard to get past it for me. #TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
So in the novelization, yes there’s a novelization of this movie, Stamper makes snuff porn. Hence the guy filming as he shoots sailors. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@theactualkeith It’s like when actors pretend to play video games in TV shows. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
Charles Foster Carver! #TND
— The Nitrate Diva (@NitrateDiva) December 12, 2013
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
He wants full colour supplements! #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
I want Infiniti commercials! #TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
So, #TND takes place in an alternate universe where Sam Lowery becomes a megalomaniac media baron, yes? — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) December 12, 2013
Fun Fact or Over Share: 12 Year Old Me’s mind was blown by how high the sheet went on the Danish woman. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
A cunning linguist….Oh, Moneypenny…#TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
I love how that guy explains what GPS means. God, I miss the 90s. #TND #NotReally — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@theactualkeith So he’s like Bond when Bond introduces himself to everyone as James Bond. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@theactualkeith Haha! He’s authenticated and everything. #TND
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
Brace yourselves! @007hertzrumble‘s Pumping Tweets are coming. #TND
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) December 12, 2013
SHE SAID IT! SHE SAID IT! #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
It’s hard to make a PUMPING crack about the PUMPING scene. I’m still trying… hang on. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
Poor Bond always pumping people for information. #TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
@krissy_myers Can we start a new thing with “That’s what Bond said.” instead of “That’s what she said”? #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
Ah, Michelle Yeoh. *sigh* #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
“Something always came up.” That’s what Bond said! #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
I remember discussing this film on usenet. So many people complained that Teri Hatcher didn’t get higher billing than Michelle Yeoh. #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
She already has the “desperate housewife” thing goin’ on. #TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
“I’m thinking of getting Wai Lin behind a newsdesk.” That’s what Bond said! #TND
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
“We’re old friends.” That’s what Bond said. #TND
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble A man of fine tastes. He’s gone up in my estimations.
— James Longshaw (@JLongshanks7) December 12, 2013
@JLongshanks7 HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO MONICA BELLUCCI? #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
Can you imagine the SMOLDER between Monica Bellucci and Pierce Brosnan? Everyone within 100 feet would get pregnant. Even the dudes. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble someone had to say it.
#TND — Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble She also makes an appearance in Playboy too. Got her own cover and everything. #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble Which would make Elliot Carver the #Bond_ad_versary. #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
If I didn’t know better, I’d think that Stamper carried around a black light in his pocket to make sure he always gets lit like that. #TND — The Nitrate Diva (@NitrateDiva) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble @NitrateDiva I think the only relevance is that it was 1997. #TND
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
Did we mention that Teri Hatcher took the role because her husband always wanted to marry a Bond girl? What a woman! #TND
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
*holds up Total World Domination with @007hertzrumble‘s bitters* What can you really do for me, Carver? #TND
— Party Moore (@PartyMoore007) December 12, 2013
Why is it when people kiss in movies it looks like they are trying to bite each others faces off? #TND — Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble They should have sucked it up. He’s RIcky f’n Jay! #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
Ricky Jay internal monologue: I can make silly string come out of your eyeballs. I’m too good for this gig. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
I like how Gupta just makes up his own laws for shit. I’m going to start doing that. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
“The fastest line at the grocery store is the one with the least old people. I call it Gupta’s Law of Stop N’ Shop.” #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
I know we’re supposed to feel some kind of forbidden love between these two, but Bond had more chemistry with his language tutor. #TND — The Nitrate Diva (@NitrateDiva) December 12, 2013
PB wears the hell out of a suit! #TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
“See this thing we have just propped up against the wall? It’s worth 300 million dollars. I call it Gupta’s Law of Interior Design.” #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble like i said last week: beep beep boop boo beep boop #SUCCESS #TND
— Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) December 12, 2013
It’s such a small thing, but I love that he punches random buttons with the gun. #TND
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
Between learning Bond was a spy and that Carver has a secret lab in his HQ, Paris seems the better secret agent. #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
I love it when they show the obligatory Brosrunning shot. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
I would love to know the aesthetic inspiration behind the repeated shots of Brosnan running at long distance in his movies. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
It’s great how pissed Bond is that he has to punch that guy three times. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble I was going to say no and point out Q… then I got sad… #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
What’s black and white and read (red!) all over? #TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble Certainly a treat after the GoldenEye score. — Jeffrey Westhoff (@JeffreyWesthoff) December 12, 2013
@theactualkeith Are you comparing clenched buttox? #TND
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble Vincent f’n Schiavelli. #TND
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
Vincent Schiavelli’s hit man kills Teri Hatcher in #TND. He also played a hit man in MACGUYVER who also tried to kill Teri Hatcher. #TND — James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
Of course this gadget would come in handy…I mean who doesn’t need to drive from the backseat from time to time? #TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble I love that laugh that he does. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@GregMcCambley You’ll enjoy the podcast then.
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@Larry_McCl @GregMcCambley But it came to rest in an AVIS. So there’s that. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@Larry_McCl @GregMcCambley Apparently AVIS was the only rental agency that wanted a car through it’s front window. #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@theactualkeith Up to that point, everything was under “typical James Bond driving” levels, so it was all cool. #TND
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
The hood cable cutter is SUCH a useful car accessory! #TND
— Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
Obligatory: MITCHELL!
#TND — Fussy (@MiddParent) December 12, 2013
MITCHELL!!!!!! #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
I’m sure Mitchell would enjoy my Cheese Puffs. Yes. #TND — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) December 12, 2013
@krissy_myers I’m resisting the urge to mention that he is, himself, a Cheese Puff. #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
@krissy_myers Just drunk. He don’t know what he’s putting in his mouth, and he don’t care. All he knows is, “Mitchell hungry.” #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
@krissy_myers He’s drunk enough to want to find out. #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
oh my…uniform alert!! #swoon #TND
— Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble Quite dashing, Fluffy. Oh yes. #TND
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) December 12, 2013
HALO – HIGH ALTITUDE LOW OPENING #TND — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble holy shit #TND #scary — Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) December 12, 2013
“If you jump into Vietnamese waters wearing US markings, you’re fucked. I call it Gupta’s Law of Getting Fucked in Vietnam.” #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
Shameless plug, if anyone wants to know more about HALO jumps and parachuting. Listen to ep. 154 of my podcast. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
#TND was underwhelming in 1997, but ominously prescient in hindsight after the rise of Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes & Fox News. — Travis McClain, Esq. (@TravisSMcClain) December 12, 2013
I was never really bothered by the lack of chemistry between Brosnan & Yeoh; it actually made Wai Lin a more interesting character. #TND — Travis McClain, Esq. (@TravisSMcClain) December 12, 2013
Brosnan & Yeoh fighting over driving the motorcycle is real. Spottiswoode told them separately to not let the other drive. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@krissy_myers How can you choose? You can’t choose. Just like choosing between wet T-Dalt and wet Carey Lowell. IMPOSSIBLE! #TND
— James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
Also, check out that chest hair in the shower scene. Amazing. It’s like a young Connery is being the body double. #TND
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@30hertzrumble *clears his throat, fixes his hair and applies aftershave* I’m ready to dazzle. #TND — Party Moore (@PartyMoore007) December 12, 2013
@30hertzrumble Red telephone >>> Red everything else. [NB: except my old hippie Birkenstock clogs] — kim (@kimmiechem2) December 12, 2013
@30hertzrumble Is Wai Lin’s Q a sassy old Chinese woman? #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@30hertzrumble I’m imagining someone like the Ken Jeong-voiced Chinese woman in Turbo. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
“We’re going to finish this together!” That’s What Bond Said! #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@PartyMoore007 @ArrayJackson @krissy_myers It’s pretty pleasing. Muskrat Susie, Muskrat Sam, do the jitterbug out in muskrat land. #TND — James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@PartyMoore007 @ArrayJackson @krissy_myers And they whirled and they twirled and they tangoed. Singin’ and jingin’ the mango… #TND — James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@30hertzrumble “Asians can snipe with anything. I call it Gupta’s Law of Semi-Positive Racial Stereotypes.” #TND
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
I love how Stamper’s way of “getting those bastards” is by destroying the entire f’n stealth ship. #TND
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
@PartyMoore007 @ArrayJackson @krissy_myers And she says yes with her kisses. And now he’s ticklin’ her fancy… Rubbin’ her toes… #TND — James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
The way Carver’s death scene (spoilers?) is filmed I feel like he had a good 2 feet to try and get out of the way. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
Squishy. #TND — James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble IKR! It’s not like you’re gonna get paid for anything else you do… #TND — Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) December 12, 2013
@30hertzrumble Wait. Are you saying Stamper and the hitman were lovers? I never thought that, but it makes a lot of sense. #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@30hertzrumble I always assumed it was that Bond bested him on multiple occasions and it was a macho thing. But lovers… #TND — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
@theactualkeith @GregMcCambley The #Bond_age_ podcast returns with completely made up hench backstory! #TND — James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@PartyMoore007 @ArrayJackson @krissy_myers And they whirled and they twirled and they tangoed Singin’ and jingin’ the jango… #TND — James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
KD Lang should have been given a main Bond title song. She’d have knocked it out of the park. #TND
— Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
@30hertzrumble @PartyMoore007 @krissy_myers I knew it…I missed a hell of a party…. *sobs*
— Array Jackson (@ArrayJackson) December 12, 2013
@ArrayJackson @30hertzrumble @krissy_myers The party never ends when you stick with me, Ms. Jackson. — Party Moore (@PartyMoore007) December 12, 2013
DENIS! salutes #TND, Michelle Yeoh, Stamper’s illicit backstory, too many Vespers and the 1-year #Bond_age_versary! — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@007hertzrumble Huzzah and congratulations on the #Bond_age_versary! Here’s to many more! #TND — Canucklehead (@GregMcCambley) December 12, 2013
I really think we should all give @007hertzrumble a big round of applause. If it were not for him, we wouldn’t have found eachother. #TND — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) December 12, 2013
@krissy_myers Aww… shucks. But if it weren’t for having such a great group of twatterers I’d have run out of steam a long time ago. #TND
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013
@krissy_myers @007hertzrumble “I’d say you were at an All Time High. Atleast a sweet distraction for an hour or two.” THAT’S WHAT BOND SAID!
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) December 12, 2013
The #Bond_age_versary has come to a close. I’m gonna go pass out somewhere. Vespers, man. Sheesh. Thanks for a great year, everyone! #TND
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) December 12, 2013