The anticipation for the first Moonraker Live Tweet had been idle curiosity. Many of us had endured long years without the pleasure of Moonraker in our lives. The experience proved galvanizing. It was the first night that #Bond_age_ really became the #Bond_age_ we all know and love. Thus, our expectations for the second Moonraker Live Tweet were altered thusly. I know I was definitely looking forward to Bond in space. And based on our turnout and enthusiasm, I’d bet that I wasn’t alone. If you don’t immediately feel the need to watch Moonraker after reading this Moonraker Live Tweet Digest, you might not have a soul.
I will be live tweeting #Moonraker in ten minutes. I apologize in advance. #Bond_age_
— Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
#MOONRAKER in 10 minutes…sorry to all my non #Bond_age_ followers! xxoo
— Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) October 3, 2013
PEW. PEW. INITIATE. PEW. *sips tea* MISSION! #Moonraker pew. pew. pew. — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@echidnabot I make bad decisions. #Moonraker — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble Is this an Afterschool Special? Are you Scott Baio? #Moonraker
— Kerry (@echidnabot) October 3, 2013
When an airplane and a space shuttle love each other very much… #Moonraker
— Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
Shuttle and plane are a little close, if you know what I mean. Cue up “Try a little tenderness”,get ready for the refueling scene #Moonraker — T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
Parachutes are for the week and elderly. #Moonraker — Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
that is the bluest. jacket. ever. #MOONRAKER — Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) October 3, 2013
Jaws just went in for a nibble there. There wasn’t an in-flight service cart for pretzels. Not his fault. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Jaws! My favorite Bond villain! It’s because I always break things. I relate to him. #Moonraker
— Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
@TRWilcox You know that Bass and Binder did shots every Thursday and talked shop, right? #Moonraker — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Oh, I get it. The lady’s a spaceship! A naked space ship! She’s already too hot to burn up on reentry. #moonraker — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
how do they approach writers for these songs…”it needs to have the title of the movie and be about sexy times” #MOONRAKER
— Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) October 3, 2013
@GregMcCambley HEY. SAVED TWEETS, BUDDY. I GOT ‘EM. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble Love ripping on the Moonrakers. (of Wiltshire). #InbredsAndRoundabouts
— James Longshaw (@JLongshanks7) October 3, 2013
That’s the county of Wiltshire. Obviously. Typing is apparently not my bag. #Moonraker — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble because SPACE!! #MOONRAKER — Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) October 3, 2013
@TRWilcox I like to think that it’s Peter Dinklage sitting on top of another midget in a really big coat. #Moonraker — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@GregMcCambley *insert joke about Oscar Wilde’s sexuality* #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
#TeamCléry RT @krissy_myers: @007hertzrumble I am pro-Corinne Clery. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
I think Drax’s beard qualifies as a henchman in this movie. #Moonraker
— Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
“A woman…” *FLAILS* *KEYBOARDSMASH* AAAAAAAHHHH. #Moonraker #HoorayForSexism — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
I’m sorry Dr. Goodhead I’m too busy being sexist. #Moonraker — Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
Lois Chiles resembles a woman in trouble who has a problem but no one else can help. If she can find them, she’ll hire the A-Team #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
“A 70 year old can take 3 Gs” “I’m a 600 year old-timelord, dear. I know a thing or two about space travel.” #Moonraker
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
“20-Gs is lethal.” “Why does it go to 20 if that kills people?” “Yea, but it goes 20.” #Moonraker #SpinalTap — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
Chickenswitch. #Moonraker — Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
“I can’t stands no more!” #moonraker
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
@TRWilcox That’s not age, that 4G’s. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Bond: really regretting that chili dog he had for lunch. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
“Let me help you.” “Hands off, dear. I’m a 600 year old timelord. I know a thing or two about hangovers.” #Moonraker
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
After his near death experience, Roger Moore looked a lot like Robert Wagner. #Moonraker
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble Roger Moore would have KICKED MELODRAMA ASS in a Sirk film. #Moonraker — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
Being illiterate is no excuse for sleeping with Bond. #Moonraker — Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
I’m just going to stick my thingy in this slot right here. That okay with you? #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
she can’t read, he can’t conjugate… well, verbs anyway. #Moonraker
— ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
Who f’ed up at UA and never made a lesbian vampire movie with Corinne Clery and Caroline Munro? #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
screw the birds. here’s what i think of the birds. #Moonraker
— ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
Waiting for these guys to start carelessly shooting each other like that Monty Python sketch. #Moonraker — T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
I was pheasantly surprised by this scene #Moonraker — ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
Lots of animals were harmed in the making of this film. #Moonraker
— Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
Oh, look, Bond went on a sniper hunt. #Moonraker
— Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
Noooooooooo Corinne! Leave! Run! Gooooooooooooooooooooooo #Moonraker — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
So imagine this scene if Caroline Munro is chasing her instead of Dobermans. #Moonraker #SoMuchBetter — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@krissy_myers Oh yeah definitely.. I don’t like that part. — Mariah Kaercher (@iceskater101) October 3, 2013
This is why you don’t sleep with Bond. Seriously. You only have a 1 in 3 chance of living. #Moonraker
— Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
Dr. Goodhead shops for clothes by buying drapery used in discotheques. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
speed boat gondola…totally #MOONRAKER — Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) October 3, 2013
The Bondula: #DAD regrets that #Moonraker stole this idea first. — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Still not sure where they were expecting to bury that coffin in Venice. #badcover #Moonraker
— Patrick Goff (@p2wy) October 3, 2013
@TRWilcox Yeah, we never confuse Bond with Indiana Jones here. Noooooooooooo #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
So the pigeon did a double-take, but the dog is nonplussed? #Moonraker — Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
This is where the Colonial from Monty Python pops out of the crowd and pulls a Tienanmen Square on the Bondala, right? #Moonraker #itssilly — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
@AnnaRenee I think it’s a Zorro costume, minus the mask and cape. #moonraker
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
Oh. He’s in that nice little black number again. Clearly that’s his spying outfit. Very slimming. #Moonraker
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
Worst. Ninja. Ever. #Moonraker
— Patrick Goff (@p2wy) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble @p2wy This is very true. Plus I’m not convinced this guy is a ninja. He’s far too quiet. #YOLT #Moonraker — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
@GregMcCambley I’m pretty sure one of them is Klaus Hergesheimer, from G Section. #Moonraker — T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble @GregMcCambley Throwing some Bond Reference deep cuts in there, just to keep us on our toes. #Moonraker
— T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
@krissy_myers *plays bass riff* #Moonraker
— T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
@TRWilcox *watches the rest of the film on mute with Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick playing instead* THIS MOVIE JUST GOT BETTER. #moonraker — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
So wait, that alarm system isn’t weight sensitive? Ancient people had that tech in Raiders! #Moonraker — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
@mettajdwyer that’s pretty much the plot. — Patrick Goff (@p2wy) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble hey, I think there was totally a Casablanca reference there. #Moonraker
— Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
@GregMcCambley Says what?
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@tpjost Where? #Moonraker — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@GregMcCambley I don’t think so. He raised an eyebrow, said “Shattering,” and then walked away. — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Wow. Goodhead really phoned in that “What the hell are you doing here?” line. #Moonraker
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
I like to imagine all the bed linens in Moore-era Bond films were 100% polyester. #Moonraker
— Patrick Goff (@p2wy) October 3, 2013
Seriously. Does anyone actually use the word detente outside of poli-sci papers and James Bond movies? #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble He could have played Gin Rummy with #Goldfinger. #Moonraker — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
Queue yackety sax #Moonraker — Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
@theactualkeith Awww skeet skeet skeet. #Moonraker — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Advance notice: when we get to SPACE. LASER. BATTLE. we only tweet pew pew pew in response to other pew pew pews. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble but he’s thinking about quitting the imports and focusing on the exports…
— Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) October 3, 2013
@GregMcCambley agreed!!! — lugosi (@lugosi6) October 3, 2013
@AnnaRenee That Tuxedo is PERF. Best Roger Moore Tux in the series. #Moonraker — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble @AnnaRenee @ThatAndyRoss My Boy A-Ross would be a like “My. That is a fine bowtie.” #moonraker — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
@krissy_myers @007hertzrumble @AnnaRenee My. That is a fine bowtie.
— Andy Ross (@ThatAndyRoss) October 3, 2013
I just realised that Drax Air Freight’s initials are DAF, which means all our previous tweets are legit.
— Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
.@007hertzrumble That’s a personal question; I won’t answer those. #Moonraker — ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble I see myself in a mirror? I don’t understand the question. #Moonraker — Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
@IamDWG Dolls are way scarier than clowns.
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
I loved how Jaws tried to get back to them, then just threw up his hands and joined in the fun. #Moonraker
— Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
.@GregMcCambley we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams #Moonraker
— ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble To be fair, there’s a lot of emotions she can’t seem to properly convey. She’s… not a good actor. #Moonraker — T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
Take a good look, folks. This is the last shot of the cable cars we’ll see before it gets ridiculous. #Moonraker — Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
@GregMcCambley Moonraker! That might just be my favorite Bond film! — Clittoria Jones (@noPants_noGod) October 3, 2013
Om nom. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
always loved that. “his name’s jaws. he kills people.” #Moonraker
— ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
@tpjost I’m down for that. Orson Welles can sit in a lawn chair and place bets with William Holden. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble @tpjost Oliver Reed and Peter O’Toole are in the cable car, throwing up. #Moonraker — T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
Best character in the entire movie: evil bald cable car operator. #Moonraker — T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
That guy in the control. Little known fact. Nuclear physicist. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Hahahah. Whip that chain without any effect, Lois Chiles. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
I mean you really have to give it to Jaws for rocking the shit out of those suspenders. #Moonraker — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
@tpjost We can all have that dream. #Moonraker — Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble I’m not even watching, and I know what scene you mean!
— Fussy (@MiddParent) October 3, 2013
@krissy_myers I’ve no idea what you’re doing, but it’s entertaining.
— Blehky McKreature (@rikkuriffic) October 3, 2013
.@theactualkeith we are STILL the music makers. we are STILL the dreamers of dreams. #Moonraker — ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
And why doesn’t Bond just stab him with the scalpel when he first picks it up? I think Craig Bond would have done that. #Moonraker — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
Ah yes, the ambulance trip down Product Placement Boulevard. #Moonraker
— Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
These guys are like the Shaolin Monks, but they believe in Jesus and always feel guilty. #Moonraker
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble Nothing like a trusty blaster at your side. #Moonraker #PEWPEWPEW — Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble I think they wrote the script, literally threw it in a blender, then taped it back together in a different order.#Moonraker — T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
“Who is that Gaucho, amigo? / Why is he standing there in his spangled leather poncho…” #Moonraker
— T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
i swear, if one of these boats drives on land…so help me… #LOL #MOONRAKER
— Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) October 3, 2013
I feel like there should be some Christopher Cross playing during this speedboat chase. #Moonraker
— T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
Bond is Ator? #Moonraker — T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble don’t forget sky diving. — ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
@veedz Hang-gliders were to the 70’s what sky diving was to the 80’s what bungee-jumping was to the 90’s.
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble “Come along, Bond. You can get it. Get the sideboob! You’re almost there!” #Moonraker
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble Bond: UGGGGGGHHHH NNNNGGGGGH. SIDEBOOB! *bloodshot eyes* #Moonraker
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
Best. Snake. Wrassle. Evar. #Moonraker — #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
ahh, the old snake in the pool while a bunch of girls stand around with dead eyes trick #Moonraker — ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
Snake’s like, “Goddamn this is lame. I’m ghost. PEACE.” #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Somewhere J.W. Pepper is wishing he coulda been thar when Bond wrassled the snake. #Moonraker
— #Bond_age_ (@007hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
This is almost as bad as the Snake from Kinda! #Moonraker #CLASSICDoctorWho — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble *slams fists* I demand #Moonraker Space Orgy! — Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
“I discovered he had a crush on me.” Oh man. Does that mean that the python is my spirit animal? #EmbraceThePythonKrissy #Moonraker
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
Anyone else find this level confusing on GoldenEye for N64? #Moonraker
— Trevor Jost (@tpjost) October 3, 2013
@GregMcCambley Drax has Don Cornelius hosting a dance party in the next room too. #Moonraker
— T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
I take it that doesn’t mean Bond’s gonna get a seat by the hearth with a cup of cocoa? #Moonraker
— Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
@GregMcCambley FOR THE LAST TIME, WE ARE THE MUSIC MAKERS #Moonraker — ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble He’s the Hugh Hefner from Hell. #Moonraker — Greg M (@GregMcCambley) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble He may host the best parties, but he’s no #PartyMoore. I AM NOT DAZZLED. #Moonraker
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
Hey, why does Drax have The Ark in his base? I thought it was being looked at by “Top Men”? #Moonraker
— Keith Bodayla (@theactualkeith) October 3, 2013
@007hertzrumble Look at all those shits in yellow spacesuits! #Moonraker
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
where’s Monotonous Countdown Guy when you need him #Moonraker — ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
boooooond innnnnnn spaaaaace #MOONRAKER — Anna Morrison (@AnnaRenee) October 3, 2013
Hahah. Yammer hammered. Now you get BEAKENING. #Moonraker — James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Gonna be so much better with BEAKER saying pew pew pew. #Moonraker
— James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Are you all ready for the PEW PEW!? #Moonraker
— James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@p2wy @tpjost GODDAMN. Contain yourself people. #Moonraker — James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
Do they ever say how many people Draw has for his Space Orgy program? I feel like it has to be a lot. #Moon
space. space. go to space. #Moonraker — ヴィートカプリオ (@veedz) October 3, 2013
Slowing down. HE MEANS HIS COCK. #Moonraker #LastTime — James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@krissy_myers @rikkuriffic You and the Dr. are being cut off. #Moonraker
— James David Patrick (@30hertzrumble) October 3, 2013
@AnnaRenee @30hertzrumble THE DOCTOR STOPS FOR NO MAN. #Moonraker
— Krissy Myers (@krissy_myers) October 3, 2013
Set the targeting computer to The Colonel’s unique blend of herbs and spices! (any Community fans here?) #Moonraker
— T. R. Wilcox (@TRWilcox) October 3, 2013
Now. Let’s all take a deep breath… and prepare yourself for the PEW PEW. Continue on to the MOONRAKER LIVE TWEET DIGEST, VOLUME 2.