by 007hertzrumble | May 7, 2014 | #Bond_age_TV, It Takes a Thief
Tonight’s feature #Bond_age_TV Presentation! IT TAKES A THIEF
Follow #Bond_age_TV hashtag. You may wield the #ItTakesAThief hash to clue the friendlies in on our endeavors.
It Takes a Thief 101:
It Takes a Thief – Project X:
by Greg McCambley | May 4, 2014 | #Bond_age_TV, It Takes a Thief

Greetings, all!
With season 1 of The Man From UNCLE mostly behind us (there will be one more episode from that season in the next UNCLE livetweet), I thought that now would be a good time to take a quick look at another program from the 60s spy show craze. The question was, which one? There are so many titles I want to look at, but few that I’d want to do as a one-off. What I needed was a show which I have no previous history with, yet one that I was interested in exploring. When I went through the titles, one name kept popping up: It Takes A Thief. It Takes A Thief stars Robert Wagner as Alexander Mundy, a master thief who ends up becoming a spy for the US government, in exchange for his freedom. It ran for three years (1968-1970), and it was one of the last spy genre shows produced. So with that in mind, I’m proud to announce that this week’s #Bond_age_TV livetweet event will be both the pilot and last episodes of It Takes A Thief. So join us this Wednesday, May 7th at 9:00pm EST for the It Takes A Thief livetweet! Be sure to use the #TakesAThief hashtag!
Hope to see you there!